Leadership Group
Adventures with Purpose
Northern Enlightenment
Join us for a once in a lifetime experience visiting Norway and the Arctic September 2023.
Option (A) Arctic Only – 8 Days - 9th – 16th September 2023. Be one of 18 guests aboard the Noorderlicht as we sail the protected waters of Svalbard, an island rich in wildlife and the relics of a pioneering polar past. Northern Lights which are at their best in this time of the year.
To find out more about the Northern Enlightenment Program
Leadership Group now run our equine education, trail rides and other outdoor education from our farm at Wattle Bank, South Gippsland Victoria.
Come and join us for an outdoor experience at Wattle Bank Farm.
Our leadership method was pioneered by Sir Ernest Shackleton to save the lives of his men in his famed Endurance Expedition to Antarctica 1913 - 1916.
Ernest Shackleton has been called 'The Greatest Leader that ever came on God's Earth, bar none' - A model of great leadership and a master of guidance in crisis.
Peter found himself in a similar predicament as Shackleton and his men when in 2001, Peter and his team mate were stranded on the exact same ice flows on the Eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula. They drew from Shackleton's lessons in order to get safely home.
We now teach leadership Shackleton's Way. It is taught in 3 phases:
1. DISCOVER: We must first know ourselves
2. DEFINE: We must then lead ourselves
3. DELIVER: Only then, can we lead others
In the first phase of DISCOVERING we use our unique C.O.M.P.A.S.S. metholody
"I have used a compass on all my expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica, sailing the seven seas and in the Australian bush. I have found that a compass is vital to navigate through the ups and downs of life.
We all have an internal compass. It lives inside all of us but it sometimes not followed. All great adventurers like Shackleton, Mawson, Amundsen, Hurley and Kidman carried one and committed to the direction it pointed.
In today's world, I believe it is vital that we reconnect to our COMPASS and the values and self belief held within"
A COMPASS can lead you away however it can also lead you to a deeper self."
Peter Bland, Founder Leadership Group
Definition - Compass [kuhm-puh s]
1. An instrument for determining directions, as by means of a freely rotating magnetised needle that indicates magnetic north.
Magnetic North is not True North.
That's what we DISCOVER together.
Peter Bland
Peter is the first Australian to have adventured to both the North and South Magnetic Poles.
He completed his expedition to the North Magnetic Pole, hauling a sled 700km across the frozen Arctic Sea, 12 months after undergoing his second bout of major heart surgery.
He has survived being taken by an avalanche in Antarctica and falling the equivalent of 14 storeys of an office building where he lay for 3 days.
Following his trips to the wilderness, Peter went on to raise more than $14million for Australian Charities and produced 3 TV documentaries. His biography "A Step Too Far" when released by Pan Macmillan became an instant best seller.
Peter founded The Leadership Group in 2002 to teach others the lessons he had learned from his expeditions to the poles and years of skippering yachts leading both novices and experienced sailors to cross the Pacific, Atlantic & Southern Oceans, South China, Mediterranean, Japanese and Irish Seas.
Over the last 15 years, he has shared his real life as expedition leader leading more than 200 complete novices to Antarctica and successfully taught them to safely ice climb, kayak, snowshoe and camp in sub zero temperatures. In 2014, Peter led the world's first philanthropic Indigenous expedition to Antarctica, 'Outback to Icecap.'
He has spoken to tens of thousands of people on the stage as an inspirational speaker throughout Australia, New Zealand, England and America.
All of the Leadership Group programs provide a strong platform and focus on personal leadership development.
Beatrice Imbert Bland
Inspirational Author and Speaker, Business Mentor, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist.
Beatrice was born on the island of Mauritius and her native tongue is French. She brings with her a wealth of leadership knowledge from a 22 year illustrious career in some of the world’s leading hotels such as The Savoy & The Ritz Hotel in London followed by Senior Executive roles in Property Development in Australia.
In 2002, Beatrice published her first book ‘The Secret Diaries of Inspirational Women’ where she interviewed some of Australia’s most iconic women such as Maggie Beer, Layne Beachley, Gill Hicks and Moira Kelly. The book provides insights on how everyday women achieved extraordinary lives and that in fact we all can.
She now speaks on the stage inspiring others on discovering their own effortless brilliance, taking action and pursuing their passions.
Beatrice was the Founding Chair for Global Gardens of Peace alongside International humanitarian Moira Kelly AO. The charity was set up to build gardens for children and their families in post war and disaster stricken communities. The first peace garden is in the Gaza Strip.
She is a co - Director of ‘Outback to Icecap’, alongside Peter. She also runs our conference facilities, The Green Stables where we lead our leadership programs. The facilities are also utilised as a leisure and tourism destination.
Beatrice also runs her own consultancy firm which focuses on business development, sales & marketing and coaching.
She is passionate about helping others discover their effortless brilliance and create a platform of possibilities.