The Compass Program - Finding your true north
"The needle of a COMPASS is drawn north. It is not managed north"
Our Compass program is designed to teach people the practical tools of direction and a deeper understanding of life. Our program is experiential.
The education is designed to correlate what we physically do in the outdoors and in turn how we might apply this in our client's lives and our own lives.
Whilst the C.O.M.P.A.S.S program teaches participants how to physically navigate with a magnetic compass and read a map, it is also a perfect metaphor for corporate leadership development.
Note: The needle of a COMPASS is drawn north. It is not managed north.
We focus on creating an energy and a passion which draws the participant forward in their chosen direction rather than feeling they are being managed in that direction.
Between a True North course and what a compass reads, there are a number of factors which need to be taken into consideration.
They are called : Deviation and Variation.
Some are known whilst others are not. However if we take off on a course without taking into account these factors, then we may go many miles in the wrong direction.
If True North is actually a metaphor for career, education, relationships, business acquisition, merger, employment and Deviation and Variation are metaphors for influences on our "instruments" being our compass, then we may waste more than miles in the wrong direction. We may discover that we have spent years in a direction which was never actually "true" to self.
Most importantly, our C.O.M.P.A.S.S programs assists people and organisations realign with their truth.
We also teach map reading, scale, legends, distances lines of latitude and longitude as well as bearings. From this point on, each person can locate their position on a map and plot the route from their current position to their next destination.
Along the way, we correlate these new lessons to routes currently being travelled on by each individual. The map is a metaphor and understanding that the map in one's life is not the territory of one's life.
This program is taught can vary from half a day with to 6 weeks with weekly exchanges in-house or in the outdoors.